visitors since April 2008


Bougainville Copper Limited Market World Wide

Bougainville Copper Limited Markt weltweit

Le marché mondial de Bougainville Copper Limited



Bougainville Copper's International Securities Indentification Number:


ISIN : PG0008526520


Time New York Ortszeit FrankfurtTime Sydney






New York Stock Market

(Quotes delayed!)

Börse Frankfurt

(Kurse verzögert!)

Australian Stock Exchange

(Quotes delayed!)

Symbol: BOCOFKürzel: BOU1Symbol: BOC








Charts from ASX Sydney 



(US$ per lb.)


( US$ pro lb.)


(US$ per lb.)





(US$ / oz)


(US$ pro Unze)


(US$ / oz)




(US$  / oz)


(US$ pro Unze)


(US$ / oz)





  Currency Converter


calculateur en devises 







The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC)